Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mysterious Girl Episode 1

1# Mysterious Girl Episode 1. Advertisements

VDO of Mysterious Girl Episode 1

Mysterious Girl Episode 1 Video Clips. Duration : 0.13 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Best Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup. This is a new series! I'm also starting another new one aswell but sadly it will not be Jemi! Who do you think the couples should be? Episode One Joe's POV "Dude, can I get my belongings now?" I asked and groaned as the guard shook his head. "I'm sorry sir but it's standard procedure. We have to make sure your clean before you leave." He explained as I sighed. This was just stupid, I mean why wouldn't I be clean? They took all of my drugs and all of my money away from me anyway. What...Where they scared that I would sneak something out? I'm not that stupid, I'm finally getting free and hopefully I'll never end up here again. The guards attention was captured by the flashing green light indicating I was clean. "Here you go." He picked up my bag and smiled as he handed it to me. I snatched it from him and began walking towards the door. "Ahh Jonas, finally escaping I see?" Officer Parker asked and smirked as I nodded. I had been in this shithole for two fucking years and now I'm finally free. "It's about time too." I mumbled as he nodded, I turned to the open door as I felt a hand fall upon my shoulder causing me to turn back around. "Joe I saw your mother yesterday. She wasn't looking any better." He sighed as I looked down. Why was he telling me this? "You have to promise to take care of her. You can't end up back here, you're so young. Plus she needs you. Please promise me." he pleaded and I smiled a bit and nodded walking out. Officer Parker was an old family friend and ...
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