Thursday, July 5, 2012

Does The Sacred Heart Soup Diet easily Work?

No.1 Article of Chicken Noodle Soup Recipes Advertisements

Perhaps the hardest part for anybody beginning a diet is that everyone wants to see results very quickly. It is all too easy to become impatient and want the 'quick fix'. But like whatever in life, nothing worthwhile is ordinarily easy. This also applies to weight loss. After all, if losing weight were easy, Nobody would be overweight!

However, there Are determined diets that can jump start your weight loss goals. And this is where the Sacred Heart soup diet comes in. The Sacred Heart Soup Diet is a diet that has precisely been going nearby for many years. The diet was supposedly conception to come straight from the cardiology branch at the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital in America. It was allegedly used for very obese heart patients. However, like most of these diets - this is nothing but an urban myth. The Sacred Heart Soup Diet has been called a whole of dissimilar names. For example: the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet and the Miami Heart organize Diet.

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipes

Low Calories

Does The Sacred Heart Soup Diet easily Work?

The diet doesn't offer many calories but because it fills you up, you are less tempted to eat whatever else and indulge yourself in 'naughty' foods! The soup acts as filler, making sure that the dieter does not get hunger pangs or the feeling of starvation. Due to the low whole of calories that you are eating, a dieter following the Sacred Heart Soup Diet may caress a few side effects. These can range from feeling a petite weak or lightheadedness, but ordinarily most habitancy won't feel too bad and its very easy to stick with because you know it will only last for a short time. The diet should only be followed for a week - it's not meant to be taken as a continuous diet and there should precisely be breaks between using it. But as a fast weight loss schedule it's unrivalled. Losing weight, like whatever else worthwhile in life, takes discipline and perseverance.

I am not going to lie to you like so many others and promise you that it is easy. It's not. But neither is it a monumental mountain to climb - if you apply the right diet schedule and adopt a determined attitude to your goal. Here is a method for the diet. Sacred Heart Soup Diet method Ingredients: 1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes 3 plus large green onions 1 large can of beef broth (no fat) 1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle) 1 bunch of celery 2 cans green beans 2 lbs. Carrots 2 Green Peppers making the soup Season with parsley, salt, pepper curry, if desired, or bouillon, or even a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Cut the vegetables into small to medium size pieces. Then cover with water. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes. Then redduce heat to a simmer and then continue to cook until vegetables are soft and tender. This soup can be eaten anytime you are feeling hungry.

This will help you to feel full and not be tempted to eat fatening foods. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will precisely not add on any pounds! The more you eat, the more you will lose. You could even fill a thermos in the morning and take it to work with you. You can then eat a few bowls while the day and not be tempted by those naughty foods! The Sacred Heart Soup Diet will only work if you effect it exactly.


Make sure you consume at least 4 glasses of water or diet soda per day. You can eat the soup at any time of the day or night.

Sacred Heart Soup Recipe

6 large green

2 green peppers

1 or 2 cans of tomatoes

1 bunch celery

1/2 head cabbage

1 package Lipton Soup Mix 1 or 2 cubes bouillon (not compulsory)

1 48 oz. Can V8 Juice (not compulsory)

Season with salt and pepper etc.

Day 1 - Any fruit you would like to eat except bananas.

Day 2 - Any vegetables you want.

Day 3 - Consume as much soup as you wish. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Day 4 - Up to six bananas, all the skim milk you want.

Day 5 - Ten to twenty ounces of beef, a can of tomatoes, 5 to 8 glasses of water.

Day 6 - All the beef and vegetables you want.

Day 7 - Consume as much unsweetened fruit juices, brown rice and fresh vegetables as you wish. Again, eat at least 1 bowl of soup while today. Don't eat any bread or drink any alcohol, or carbonated drinks.

Incorporating the Sacred Heart Soup diet into your slimming schedule will help you lose the weight you desire. Be disciplined in your planning and execution, plan out your foods for the week and you will get there. Don't give in to temptation!

Does The Sacred Heart Soup Diet easily Work?

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